Microsoft display adapter windows 10 how to use
Microsoft display adapter windows 10 how to use

microsoft display adapter windows 10 how to use

If your video miniport driver is VGA-compatible, add the VgaCompatible entry to the registry and set its value to 1 ( TRUE) in the add registry section, as shown here: įor more information about VGA-compatible video miniport drivers, see VGA-Compatible Video Miniport Drivers (Windows 2000 Model). Most video miniport drivers are not VGA-compatible and require no VgaCompatible entry in the registry. For more information about global debug levels, see VideoDebugPrint. This value ranges from 0 (no debug messages) to 3 (the most verbose messages). Last, the code sets the value of the VideoDebugLevel entry, which controls the global debug level that checked builds use for debug messages. Third, the code sets the value of the MultiFunctionSupported entry to 1 (in other words, TRUE), which is the required value for an adapter that supports multiple PCI functions. When set to 1, OverRideMonitorPower limits the possible power states of the monitor device to D0 and D3. This entry, which should be used only by OEM system vendors, controls the power behavior of the monitor device (for example, the LCD, CRT, or TV). The code then sets the value of the OverRideMonitorPower entry to 0 (in other words, FALSE). The preceding code first sets the value of the InstalledDisplayDrivers entry to the name of the display driver. HKR, MultiFunctionSupported, %REG_DWORD%, 1 HKR, OverRideMonitorPower, %REG_DWORD%, 0 HKR, InstalledDisplayDrivers, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, Acme1 The add-registry section adds four entries to the registry and sets their values, as shown in the following code. The DelReg directive points to a delete-registry section named ACME-1234_DeleteSWSettings. Each directive points to a separate, writer-defined INF section that contains registry entries for the installer to add or delete.įor example, the following code shows an AddReg directive that points to a writer-defined add-registry section named ACME-1234_SoftwareDeviceSettings. SoftwareSettings section contains an AddReg directive and/or a DelReg directive. DDInstall.SoftwareSettings SectionĪ DDInstall. For more general information about INF files, see INF File Sections and Directives. This section tells you how to write the setup information file (INF) sections that specifically apply to a graphics-adapter installation.

Microsoft display adapter windows 10 how to use